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Can you please review my Bibliography paper for suggestions and areas in need of improvement?Research Question: How was the African society a negative impact on the missionary educational system in Africa?Bibliography?bdulqawi, A. S. Altobbai. “Okot p’Bitek’s Attitude Towards the African Past: A Study of Song of Lawino.”?nternational Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies?, no. 3 (2020): 19-25, Altobbai’s is a journalist wrote a scholarly article about a poem the culture conflict between Christianity and the western education.?? poetic name Okot p’Bitek who contributes his poem about the trials of Lawino.?awino is an African woman uneducated married to the son of a tribal leader, who marries another wife educate and European.?kot poems addressed the positive and negative characteristics of the African society.?hurches that dominate Christianity over the African Traditional religion.?onflicts over which society would win and settle in Africa.?hildren who attend the missionary schools were favorable by the priest and nuns if they were obedient and done as they were instructed, with no objections.?hildren who didn’t ask questions and stayed in silence.?he lyrics to the “Song of Lawino” written by Okot focuses on sorry of the destruction of the African society.?ne of the lyrics speaks of the negative impact of the African tradition that occurred because of the western educational system.?ow anything related to the native culture is negative.?ne of the native traditions Lawino speaks of is the African dance a dance, dance as being naked. The dance was wicked to the colonists.?here was a debate about the African society and has it changed to being a negative impact on the society because of colonial education system? ?ordon, David M.?nvisible Agents Spirits in a Central African History?thens: Ohio University Press, 2012. Gordon is the author of a book that speaks about his experience with interviewing and the fieldwork he had done in Zambia. How religious beliefs can influence the change of social and historical events. Other sources come from missionaries’ correspondence, anthropologists, state records that are not published, and newspaper sources from the Zambia press. How spirits can possess invisible forces could influence human bodies, living actions, and the body’s flesh. The book speaks about theories that social scientists, physicians, and psychologist’s ideas to control emotions. Educational teaching and medical treatment could reduce the emotional damages and allow the African society to accept the social and cultural changes. Peter Geschiere, a professor of African anthropology at the University of Amsterdam, comments on the old form of spiritual government known as “witchcraft” and its dangerous emotional impact on the community. He speaks of it being “the dark side of kinship.”?1]? part of the African culture. Christians view witchcraft as being evil, a culture not accepted in Christian ministry. Gordon also talks about how the Protestants and The White Fathers competed against each other to expand Catholic schools versus schools about evangelist education. The White Fathers were known as missionaries of the African society.??arvey, Paul.?hrough the Storm, Through the Night: A History of African American Christianity. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011. Accessed August 13, 2021. ProQuest eBook Central. The authors of this book chapter speak about the black religion, politics, and culture. Jeremiah Wright was a minister of the United Church of Christ, a descent of Puritan New England.?attles over the black Christian tradition.?right gave a sermon at the Obama campaign.?he former President Barak Obama had little interaction with black churches.?he two subjects that Obama and Wright spoke about were righteous angry, and visionary dreams of black Christian history.??he history of American racism and the promise of equal opportunities that all Americans are considered the same.?bama speaks about how the Chicago church taught him what it meant to have faith and how courage helps them the slavery and poverty of black Americans. Africa is the root of spiritual practices.?frican history has faced many transformations, and the most recent change occurred in the twentieth century of the era of the Great Migration and the Civil rights war. The sources of this chapter and book speak about baptism and slavery, that baptism was not a way to be free from slavery. Slaves from the Kingdom of Angola in Africa spoke Portuguese, a language like Spanish.?he Mission and Schools in the Kingdom of Angola taught the slaves the Roman Catholic Religion. [2]?esearch in History: Evaluating Sources David Gordon is a history professor who was awarded best book in knowledge of writing about the African studies.?e has published articles in several scholarly journals.?is focus is on the African history and how the history is fading away among the African cultures.?ordon’s sources are base interviews and his field experience in Zambia. [3] Our history is what helps us understand and knowledgeable about the diversity cultures.?Paul Harvey is a professor who teaches in the field of history. One of his books was awarded the top outstanding academic title by the choice magazine.[1]He was also named a presidential scholar at the University of Colorado. Many of the books he has written focus on the political fundamentalism of African American history. Religious choices that African Americans had to make. I choose his book because of his political background and his text “The Color of Christ,” how different social, economic societies picture Jesus as the same as the black or white.?2]?laves taught to convert to Christianity by their slave owners. Slaves who taught that Jesus was a servant, and he too suffered.? Altobbai is an African journalist, was a creative resource that I research.?ltobia, a poet, converts a poem that is later used in a song to express his feeling about the root causes of the cultural conflict between Christianity and Western Education.?e wanted to make sure his audience understood the emotions of the poem without creating grief and sorrow. Okot was also a poet and scholar who wrote about his native history. The history taught through the translation of these poems shows how African Americans faced a battle between the African American religion or the culture of Christianity.?1] Harvey, Paul.?hrough the Storm, Through the Night: A History of African American Christianity. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2011. Accessed August 13, 2021. ProQuest eBook Central.[2] Kingdoms of Africa – Angola / Kongo Kingdom ([3] David Gordon | Bowdoin CollegeBusinessEconomicsHIEU 202

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