QuestionPageof 6ZOOMLab CA5 – DOS ActivityACTIVITY BACKGROUNDExperienced technicians use the command line for tasks that just can’t be done in a graphical interface, especially when troubleshooting a system. For most tasks, however, you’ll rely on a graphical interface, such as File Explorer. In this lab, you use the command line to perform several tasks you can also do in Explorer.It’s assumed in this lab that Windows is installed on the C: drive. If your installation is on a different drive, substitute that drive letter in the following steps. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONTo practice using the command-line environment, follow these steps: In the Windows 10 Search Box, type cmd and choose Run As Administrator. In the command prompt window, notice that the cursor is flashing at the command prompt. The title bar of the command prompt window varies with different versions of Windows and depends on the user name of the person currently signed in. Here’s an example(yours may be different): C:UsersJames Clark> The command prompt indicates the working drive (drive C:) and the working directory (for example, the UsersJames Clark directory). Commands issued from this prompt apply to the folder shown unless you indicate otherwise.a.Type dir and press Enter. Note that dir is the command used to list a directory’s contents. If the list of files and directories that dir displays is too large to fit on one screen, you see only the last few entries.b.Entries with the label
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indicate that they are directories (or folders), which can contain files or other directories. c.Also listed for each directory and file are the time and date it was created and the number of bytes a file contains. (This information is displayed differently depending on which version of Windows you’re using.) d.The last two lines in the list summarize the number of files and directories in the current directory, the space they consume, and the free space available on the drive. As you’ll see in the next set of steps, there are two ways to view any files that aren’t displayed because of the length of the list and the window size. To learn more about displaying lists of files in the command-line environment, perform the following steps: Lab CA5 – DOS Activity1.First, go to a particularly large directory so you have more files to experiment with. Enter the command : cd c:windowsThe new command prompt should look something like this: c:Windows> 2.Maximize the command prompt window. You can view help information for any command by entering the command followed by /? (also called a “switch”). Enter the following comment to display help information for the directory command: dir /?A1 : What did you see?Now try these dir commands.dir/wA2 : What did you see?dir/pA3 : What did you see?dir/osA4: What did you see?dir/wA5: What did you see?________________________________________________________________________dir/osA6 : What did you see?________________________________________________________________________Lab CA5 – DOS Activitydir/o-s A7 : What did you see?A8 : What do you think the hyphen between the O and S did?3.Insert a USB flash drive in a USB port. Use File Explorer or Window Explorer to find out what drive letter Windows assigned to the flash drive. A9 : What is the drive letter? _______________________The following steps assume the drive letter is H: (yours will most likely be different).Create a new folder named Tools on the flash drive. To do this, right-click in the contents window of the flash drive, and choose New -> Folder. Now right-click the new folder, and choose Rename. Name the folder : ToolsUse Notepad to create a file named deleteme.txt in the H:Tools folder (use your drive letter). Navigate to the Tools folder, and in the contents are, right-click in the contents area and choose New -> Text Document. Right-click the file, choose Rename, and name the file deleteme.txtClose File Explorer or Windows Explorer. In the command prompt window, enter the H: (or your drive letter).T he resulting prompt should look like this: H:> A10 : What does the H: indicate?A11 : What do you think you would see if you issued the dir command at this prompt?A12 : Enter the dir command. Did you see what you were expecting?Lab CA5 – DOS ActivityEnter the dir h:tools command. This command tells the computer to list the contents of a specific directory without actually changing the directory.A13 : What do you see as a result when you type this?4.File attributes are managed by using the Attrib command. Follow these steps to learn how to view and manage file attributes:To make H:Tools the default directory, enter the cd h:tools command. To view the attributes of the deleteme.txt file, enter:attrib deleteme.txtTo change the file to a hidden file, enter:Note : There are spaces between the command, switch, and filename.attrib +h deleteme.txtView the attributes of the Deleteme.txt file again.A14 : What command did you use?A15 : How have the attributes changed? To view the contents of the H:Tools directory, enter the dir command. A16: Why doesn’t the Deleteme.txt file appear in the directory list?To change the attributes so that the file is a system file, enterattrib +s deleteme.txtA17 : What error message did you get?Because you can’t change the attributes of a hidden file, first remove the hidden attribute by entering;Lab CA5 – DOS Activityattrib -h deleteme.txtNow try to make the file a system file again.A18: What command did you use?Use the dir command to list the contents of the H:Tools directory.A19: Are system files listed?To remove the file’s system attribute, enterattrib -s deleteme.txtTo move to the root directory, enter:cd h: To learn how to delete a file from the command prompt, follow these steps. Enter this command to instruct the computer to delete that file:del deleteme.txtYou’ll see a message stating that the file couldn’t be found because the system assumes that commands refer to the working directory unless a specific path is given. A20: What command could you use to delete the file without changing to that directory? The current prompt should be H:>. Thein the command you typed indicates the root directory. Enter: cd toolsThe prompt now ends with “Tools>” (indicating that Tools is the current working directory). Now enter:del deleteme.txt /pLab CA5 – DOS ActivityYou’re prompted to type Y for Yes or N for No to confirm the deletion. If you don’t enter the /p switch (which means “prompt for verification”), the file is deleted automatically without a confirmation message. It’s a good practice to use this /p switch, especially when deleting multiple files with wildcard characters. Also, when you delete a file from the command line, the file doesn’t go to the Recycle Bin, as it would if you deleted it in File Explorer or Windows Explorer. Because deletion from the command line bypasses the Recycle Bin, recovering accidentally deleted files is more difficult. Type Y and press Enter to delete the Deleteme.txt file. You’re returned to the Tools directory. To display certain files in a directory, you can use an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) as wildcard characters. Wildcard characters are placeholders that represent other unspecified characters. The asterisk can represent one or more characters, and the question mark represents any single character. The asterisk is the most useful wildcard, so it’s the one you’ll encounter most often. To learn more, follow these steps: Return to the root directory of drive C: A21: What command did you use?Enter the command: dir *.* A22 : How many files are displayed?dir u*.*A23 : How many files are displayed?A24 : How many folders are displayed?Computer ScienceEngineering & TechnologyInformation SecurityCIS 150Share Question
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