This needs to be shortened it is too long, it also needs to flow… This needs to be shortened it is too long, it also needs to flow better. This is my own personal writing. Please make edits where needed. ?EHAB OVER INCARCERATION TO REDUCE RECIVIDISM I chose this topic being that I am sure we all know one person who ends up back in jail every time they are released. I wanted to inform myself why these people continue to re-commit crimes and ways we can stop incarceration rates from skyrocketing. Since crimes are perpetrated even within jails, the milieu inside is usually not favorable to rehabilitation. Outside of prisons, there are additional environmental variables that make it difficult for inmates to reintegrate into society once their sentences are over. These factors all have a role in the high recidivism rates. It’s crucial to evaluate the elements that influence the outcome. This paper will aim to explain the factors that contribute to the recidivism rate of offenders and methods to reduce it. I will explain the advantages of intervention programs, extracurricular activities, education, home and family life for these offenders. When looking at the crimes that bring individuals to the prison system, it is evident that there is usually a pre-existing pattern of hardship, addiction, or mental illness in their lives. Sometimes, those who returned to the community are “worse off” after a period of confinement than when they entered. Due to the incapability of incarceration to satisfy long-term criminal justice objectives and the very high spendings associated with the sanction, policymakers at various levels of government have attempted to discern proper alternatives. The argument that will be addressed is that rehabilitation and therapy for certain offenses where addiction is the underlying cause work better than just incarceration alone in reducing recidivism. While some people never change, many people should be put into rehab programs instead of incarcerated when arrested, rehabilitation gives the offender a more normal daily life, costs less than mass incarceration, and reduces prison populations.???Incarceration puts the criminal away from society. It functions similar to the ancient practice of ostracization where undesirables are cast away from society. What really happens when a criminal is incarcerated is that he is simply locked away from general society and pooled together with people who, like him, have grievances and issues which gave rise to the crime. The question now therefore is that by locking away the criminal, are the issues and grievances which made him commit the crime really addressed? The existing state of affairs in American jails differs from the optimum setting for rehabilitation. Despite the fact that it is a penal facility, inmates live in deplorable circumstances, overcrowded, and crime abounds. According to Farrington and Nuttall (2001), the number of convicts in the United States’ major prisons, Texas and California, has increased eightfold in the last three decades. However, financing for these facilities has remained relatively flat, making it challenging to meet the requirements of the inmates. Despite the fact that the United States has just approximately 5% of the world’s population, its jails house more than 25% of the world’s inmates. According to studies, if just 10 to 15% of people convicted of drug-related offenses were sent to treatment instead of jail, an estimated $48 billion might be saved each year. A 40% rise in that rate would provide the United States an extra $12,9 billion in buying power. The overcrowding in these institutions substantially negates their primary function, which is rehabilitation. The increase in crime in the United States in recent years, combined with recidivism, is primarily to blame for the country’s jail overcrowding. Due to the high volume of inmates, it is difficult for them to receive customized attention from counselors or health care experts who can help them with their needs.?The prison systems’ lack of funding makes it impossible for them to teach inmates skills that are beneficial the outside world. Because many inmates commit crimes out of despair and a lack of work opportunities, they are compelled to do criminal acts when they are freed without these essential skills. Despite the fact that many jails lack the necessary facilities and people to implement programs to minimize recidivism, a few have established programs to address the issue. The majority of these programs attempt to rehabilitate inmates so that they can reintegrate into society. One potential challenge will be the funding and services for these individuals. Some people will think that it is a waste in the people’s taxes and therefore won’t support these thinking. Unfortunately, research has reliably shown that time spent in jail doesn’t effectively rehabilitate most prisoners, and most get back to an existence of wrongdoing very quickly. Many contend that most detainees will really learn new and better approaches to carry out violations while they are secured with their kindred convicts. They can likewise make associations and become all the more profoundly engaged with the criminal world.?In Alaska, a program called Probation Accountability with certain enforcement attempt to reduce recidivism among persons who have been sentenced to probation (Wilson, 2003). This program is designed to educate persons on probation about the significance of probation and the repercussions of violating probation terms. It’s designed for those who have trouble adhering to the terms of their probation. Various initiatives in California and Texas seek to educate convicts about the negative consequences of gang culture and substance addiction in society. Probation is another strategy that is used by many states. Probation is designed to protect the public from criminals by monitoring inmates’ behavior after being released to see if they have changed their ways. This is a relatively ineffective strategy because it is designed to protect the public rather than help inmates reform (Roger, 2004). States and the federal government should provide more cash to ensure that there are enough facilities and professionals to rehabilitate inmates and provide them with life skills. According to King, the government must determine if it can continue to devote necessary finances to the jail system in order to avoid a high number of inmates. If finances are decreased, facilities and services required in prisons will be eliminated. However, while removing the services may be difficult, reducing the number of inmates is another feasible option. When prisons are designated for severe offenses, they will be less crowded. Many of the inmates commit crimes while under the influence of narcotics, prompting efforts to address drug addiction within the prison population. “A system that does not recognize this or use it for reformation is wasting resources.” The programs that would be most useful to inmates have been eliminated due to financial cuts in correctional systems. Vocational training, substance abuse treatments, and education are among them. Unfortunately, these services provide inmates with the best chance for a better life once they leave jail. ?While numerous educational and job training programs are provided in jails and prisons, they are not always available. Furthermore, programs that help offenders socialize and prepare for reintegration into society may be underfunded, ineffective, or even nonexistent.This is regrettable because reintegration programs, such as work release efforts, have been found to have a significant and favorable influence on reducing the probability of an inmate reoffending. Re-entry programs that focus on job skills and work experience, as demonstrated by Duwe (2015), help reduce recidivism. Educational programs while incarcerated had a 43 percent lower likelihood of recidivism than those who did not participate, according to a 2013 meta-analysis. Educational rehabilitation incarcerated or not, even very basic education, such as adult literacy and basic skills, can reduce recidivism dramatically. Therefore, allowing offenders to finalize their high school degrees, learn a trade or technical skill, and pursue post-secondary education possibilities while incarcerated can also remarkably diminish recidivism.?rts & HumanitiesWritingCreative WritingWRITING 401
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